

Creating an opportunity for your team to create shared language and understanding, Matthew offers interactive, research-based trainings to help your team move forward together, topics include:

Unconscious Bias: Understanding the latest research on how hidden biases can impact our behaviors in ways we are unaware of.

Equity: Moving beyond inclusive processes to a focus on outcomes, learn both what equity is and how to apply an equity lens to your work.

How to be an Ally: How do you effectively work on a social justice issue that doesn’t impact you directly? Whether you are an organization that serves a population different from you, or you’re a community group that wants to be an ally across race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., this training can help you understand the tasks and tools to be effective

Diversity & Inclusion: A dialogue based approach to understanding the power of diversity, and the tools needed to create a more inclusive community

Community Engagement: Explore tools and strategies for effectively engaging a diverse community

Conflict Resolution: A focus on the tools needed to help groups more effectively navigate awkward or challenging conversations

Enneagram personality: Explore this ancient tool of nine personality types, useful both for personal growth and a deeper understanding of inter-personal and team dynamics



Matthew passionately believes that no off-the-shelf approach can solve our most challenging problems. Every community, organization, and team is unique, and Dialectix consulting can lead you through a series of strategic planning sessions to determine your best path forward.

Assessments: Allowing your employees, clients, or the general community to give you honest feedback on their experience can give you invaluable data to create an effective strategy for creating greater inclusion and becoming more effective

Strategy coaching: Individual sessions with leadership can help provide clarity and the clarifying perspective of an outside subject matter expert who is not caught up in the day to day operations of your organization.

Strategy facilitation: Groups often need an outside facilitator to sort through and prioritize the many different objectives competing for their time.



Facilitation helps groups solve their most pressing challenges. An expert in facilitation, Matthew can help groups address the most divisive, conflict-ridden, or challenging subjects that prevent them from moving forward together.

Matthew also has extensive experience designing and facilitating workshops, public engagement processes, fellowship programs, and large-scale conferences:

  • Dialogues
    • Race
    • Gender
    • Community challenges
  • Community engagement processes
    • Town hall meetings
    • Large scale engagement processes
  • Workshops
  • Retreats
  • Conferences